Elena Perticone
Deputy Imaginative Officer
emersongroup’s Deputy Imaginative Officer, Elena Petricone is passionate about ensuring the publication of our client thoughtleaders’ ideas. Her daily tasks might include editing books and coaching our client authors, editing and pitching our clients’ article ideas, researching book publishers and self-publishing options, negotiating with editors on our clients’ behalf, arranging media interviews and crafting our weekly eblasts.
She’s written for The Writer’s Chronicle, The Concord Journal, Top Consultant, and The Peevish Penman; her short fiction pieces have been featured in Slice Magazine, Mused, The Medulla Review, Apocrypha and Abstractions, and Trapeze Magazine. She’s also won an Honorable Mention in WOW! Women on Writing’s Flash Fiction Contest.
Elena holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Lesley University. She earned her BA from Hampshire College, concentrating in creative writing, anthropology, and media studies.