
Emerson Consulting Group Help You Publish Your Ideas

Publishing Articles:

Publishing articles and getting quoted in the media are excellent for credibility. They are an important part of the process for landing new business. Ken’s team has helped us make this happen.“ – Jim Mooradian, CEO, Jim Mooradian and Associates

f you are a thoughtleader who wants to spread your ideas, publishing articles will teach you the ropes, build your self-confidence, circulate your name and your company’s name, and even whet your appetite for more thoughtleading visibility — like writing a book or doing more speaking.

Have you already written and published a book? Then authoring new articles or carving “article-excerpts” out of your book text should be the next integral step in your repertoire. That’s because new articles will allow you to develop fresh ideas useful when working with clients, presenting to groups or talking to the media.

Article publishing also offers the opportunity to promote both you and your business. If you have a book, article-excerpts will expand your book’s visibility too.

Don’t know where or how to start? We can help! We’ll help you flesh out your ideas, create article drafts, edit your articles for “publishability”… and get you published in important venues.

How we work:

Client-Driven Article Drafting

We prefer our “client thoughtleaders” to do the actual “first draft” writing of an article. Then one of our staff editors works with you to polish it up for submission to targeted publications.

Strategic Brainstorming for Article and Publication

We brainstorm with you an “Article Ideas List” early on in the process as the first step so that your article ideas will be geared toward your target prospects. We also brainstorm with you a “Target Publications List” so that your published articles will appear in the right publications for maximum visibility.

Comprehensive Publishing Support and Publication

We handle all other details such as contacting editors, pitching your ideas to editors, following up with editors, ensuring that your article is published, and ensuring that you receive a copy of the publication with your article in it and/or a reprint of your article.

Maximizing Impact Through Article Leverage

We help you brainstorm how to leverage your published articles too so that it will have the greatest impact on your target market as well as on your referral sources. In other words… so that your published articles will get you business!

Emerson Consulting Group

For over 30 years, we’ve provided consulting talent for every element of Learning

and Talent Development.