
Emerson Consulting Group Help You Publish Your Ideas

Book Publishing services

“Not only did they help me land my first major book deal with McGraw-Hill, they supported me before, during and after the process.“ – Kathleen Burns Kingsbury, Principal, KBK Wealth Connection”The mere prospect of writing a book can be intimidating. Yet there’s no denying a book’s many impacts.

The Power of Writing Your Own Book

Your own book will organize your thoughts and communicate the hard-earned insight and wisdom you’ve developed over the years. It serves as a powerful tool for sharing your expertise with others and establishes your authority in your field.

Building Credibility and Standing Out

A book acts as a “credibility tool” that you can show to customers, clients, prospects, and colleagues. It raises your profile, helps you stand out from your competition, and creates new opportunities for professional growth and success.

Guidance and Support Through the Journey

We’ll guide you through every stage of the process, helping you organize your thoughts, write your book, and find the right publisher—or navigate self-publishing. In no time, you'll be holding a book you're proud of!

Planning the Writing Process

So should you just sit down and start writing? Not exactly. Once you’ve made the decision to author a book, there are many important steps to take and considerations to address. It’s more than just filling pages with text.


Thoughtleading stargety

Refine your ideas, pitch them to the right people, and make sure your published work makes maximum impact. We can help!

Publishing Articles

Articles are a great way to share your best practices and innovative thinking, as well as separate you and your organization from the competitive pack.

Publishing Books

It’s time for a book by YOU! Whether you’re looking for a commercial publisher, thinking of self-publishing, or aren’t sure, we’ll help you weigh your options, put together a plan and work

Editorial Support

Need some editing help? Have an idea but wish you had a sounding board? We’re there for you every step of the way.

Emerson Consulting Group

For over 30 years, we’ve provided consulting talent for every element of Learning

and Talent Development.