Stewart Foley Quoted in Best’s Review

Stewart Foley, the head of U.S. Insurance Advisory for P-Solve, was recently quoted in Best’s Review in an article titled “The Search for Yield.”

Stew was consulted as an expert source on the topic of asset management and low interest rates. “60% of insurers added an assets class in response to low interest rates,” Foley told Best’s, drawing his information from a survey conducted by P-Solve earlier this year.

The article elaborated: “[My] clients are mostly diversifying into high yield bonds, bank loans, emerging market debt, and high dividend equities. P-Solve manages more than $13 billion for 175 clients in the United States and the United Kingdom, 27 of which are insurers (many are Lloyd’s syndicates), and also advises $47 billion of client assets.”


Stewart J. Foley, CFA is the Head of U.S. Insurance Advisory for P-Solve Meridian, a consulting firm formed last year by London-based P-Solve Asset Solutions after its acquisition of Meridian, a leading advisor in the UK insurance market established in 1984.

Prior to joining P-Solve Meridian, Stewart was a Senior Client Strategist at GR-NEAM and a Senior Portfolio Manager at AAM, LLC, both two leading insurance asset management firms. He also served as the Director of Investments at Missouri Employers Mutual, a mono-line workers’ compensation company. In tandem with his executive role at P-Solve Meridian, he is an adjunct professor at the University of Hartford where he teaches Portfolio Management and Macroeconomics. Stewart graduated with honors from the University of Missouri with a BSBA in Finance, has a MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Contact him at or visit

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