Wednesday, June 12, 2019, Concord, MA

“The key is to bounce back!”–Deborah Lee James
Please join us as we welcome our keynote speaker Deborah Lee James, the 23rd Secretary of the Air Force, Sector President of SAIC, and author of Aim High: Chart Your Course and Find Success!
Also Greg Stone, author of Branding with Powerful Stories: The Villains, Victims, and Heroes Model (Praeger) for Expert Roundtables (see below).
How can any of us in business today survive and thrive in the face of ongoing anxiety, unsettledness and dysfunction?
Our keynoter Deborah Lee James will try to help by sharing her hard-earned lessons-learned for career and personal success, e.g., use challenges to grow stronger; stay true to yourself and your goals; always prepare to “zig-zag” when your plans go awry.
“You can learn as much—even more—from failures and disappointments as from successes,” she explains. “The key is to always bounce back.”
23rdSecretary of the Air Force (under Barack Obama) and former Sector President of defense contractor SAIC, Deborah Lee is also author of the current best-selling book Aim High: Chart Your Course and Find Success (Post Hill Press/Simon & Schuster) with a foreword by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, and Founder of and
Adam Grant, Professor, Wharton School and NY Times bestselling author adds: “Lead several hundred thousand people, manage a budget over $100 billion, and secure the nuclear enterprise. That’s what Secretary Deborah Lee James achieved as only the second woman ever to run the U.S. Air Force. Her new book feels like a personal conversation with her as she takes you behind the scenes and shares valuable leadership lessons for your career and your life.”
Where and When: Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 10:30 AM – 2 PM at the Colonial Inn (Heritage Room) in historic Concord. “Exceptional Networking” included and books available at CEO Club discount.
- Paid-up members in good standing free admission and autographed copy of Deborah Lee’s book.
- Non-members & guests: $79 at the door, $59 by EOD June 7. Add $15 for autographed book.
- Seating almost filled so click ASAP for registration & payment on Eventbrite.
BONUS! Pre-lunch “Expert Roundtables” led by specialists in a variety of business disciplines will guide lively dialogues leading to insightful, actionable takeaways. All attendees are eligible to participate at no extra charge.
Open to CEOs, Consultants, CFOs, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs of companies, professional service firms, nonprofits, law firms etc. of any size. Annual membership plans range from $1,500 to $3,500. Sponsorship opportunities also available.
This event is sponsored by Club member Lan-Tel Communications, New England’s premier structured cabling, security, and IT infrastructure installation & integration company since 1992:
To learn more about The CEO Club of Greater Boston, click here.