Why CEOs Need a “Watering Hole”
CEOs are a lonely bunch, often uncertain where to turn for advice, feedback, peer support or knowledgeable coaching. But CEOs lucky enough to come across a gathering place with other CEOs, in effect a “watering hole,” will be able to also locate both answers and emotional relief to keep them and their companies moving forward, and in the right direction!

These words, first uttered by CEO Club of Boston founder Fred Green are excerpted from his article published in CEO Refresher Magazine. They express the mission of our CEO Club of Greater Boston where longtime Club members report many invaluable benefits from their participation over the years. Such member benefits now include:
- Useful meetings each year featuring expert speakers, “roundtable” problem-solving segments and networking with other CEOs
- In-depth workshops and seminars focusing on skill-building in such areas as strategic leadership & management, business development & sales, finance & profitability and even personal development and work/life balance
- Structures in which individual members share a vexing issue or problem in return for positive solutions and suggestions from CEO colleagues who have “been there”
- The opportunity to promote a Club member’s products, services and value proposition, and generate referrals, new business prospects and word-of-mouth
“You sit in your office on a day-to-day basis and you think you’re the only one out there with your particular problems. But the benefits a CEO can receive when problems with employees are addressed in the presence of other CEOs can be enormous thanks to our shared experiences.” Joe Bodio, CEO, Lan-Tel Communications
“Being able to meet and get to know fellow CEOs from a different industry or even a similar one helps a lot due to the sharing of like information. It has added new skill sets and processes to both my own company’s procedures and its overall success.” Brian Urban, CEO, Sencorp

Rob Salafia, author of Leading From Your Best Self (McGraw-Hill), explains leadership principles to Club members.
Ongoing Events (Nonmembers Welcome!)
- B2B “Coffee Connection” to facilitate exchange of prospects, leads, brainstorming and resources to aid everyone’s business development objectives. Members free.
- CEO Recharge, a structured retreat for reflecting on new company strategies and goals. Discount rates for members.
- Peer Advisory Council monthly interactive sessions. Members free.
- Golfing for a Cause. Help us support SMGA. Standard SMGA rates apply.
* Seasonal public events. Members free.
To register and/or apply for membership, please email inquire@thoughtleading.com
To receive Club announcements of programs and other developments, subscribe to our “thoughtnotes” box at www.thoughtleading.com

Chair of the CEO Club of Greater Boston:
Ken Lizotte CMC

Author of 8 books, Club Chair Ken Lizotte CMC is also Chief Imaginative officer (CIO) of emerson consulting group inc. which transforms CEOs and other executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, business experts, attorneys, professional services professionals and their firms into “thoughtleaders,” thereby separating them the competitive pack. A Certified Management Consultant (CMC), Ken is also a columnist for Huffington Post and Money Inc. and is a favorite keynote speaker at national and regional business conferences. He has delivered annual business success programs at such venues as Harvard University, the Concord Festival of Authors and the Institute of Management Consultants. A graduate of Alan Weiss’s Million Dollar Consulting College and a co-founder of the National Writers Union, he currently serves as pro bono president of Thoreau Farm (the birthplace of Henry David Thoreau) and has been interviewed by The New York Times, Fortune, Newsweek, Financial Times, Investors’ Business Daily, National Public Radio, CBS-TV, Writer’s Digest Magazine, The Boston Globe, and many others. He lives in Concord Massachusetts with his wife Barbara, daughter Chloe and spitfire Golden Retriever Beckett.
Membership & Rates
Open to CEOs, CFOs, VPs etc. of companies, nonprofits, law and consulting firms of any size. $1500/year for 1-2 officers, $2500 or 3-6 officers, $3500 for 7-12 officers.
To register and/or apply for membership, please email inquire@thoughtleading.com
To receive Club announcements of programs and other developments, subscribe to our “thoughtnotes” box at www.thoughtleading.com
Current Sponsors
- emerson consulting group inc., transforming CEOs and their firms into thoughtleaders: www.thoughtleading.com
- Maguire Associates, a research-based consulting firm that serves educational institutions: http://www.maguireassoc.com
- Productive Media, Boston’s Custom Audio Visual and Video Production Solution: http://www.productivemedia.com
- The Salute Military Golf Association New England. The SMGA’s mission is to provide rehabilitative golf programs, experiences, and family-inclusive golf opportunities for post 9/11 wounded war veterans in an effort to improve the quality of life for these American heroes: http://smgaboston.org/
- Distance Vision Information Agency, who employs the latest technologies to give your company an edge in the marketplace: www.distancevision.com
- Markman Speaker Management, LLC, a multi-service speaker agency providing training to help people grow their business through speaking and providing event organizers with memorable speakers: www.markmanspeaker.com
- Bpm’online, a global business software company leading in the space of business process automation and CRM: https://www.bpmonline.com
- Digital Summit Boston: The definitive digital marketing gathering, The Digital Summit Series is coming to Boston on August 15th & 16th. Come join 900+ of your fellow marketers for 2 days of the most impactful offering of digital marketing tactics, strategies, best practices, and insights from the top minds in the marketing world: https://boston.digitalsummit.com
- CEO Roundtable, providing safe and confidential environments where leaders can freely share: ceo-roundtable.com
- Lan-Tel Communications, offering cutting-edge telecommunications, security, and IT infrastructure solutions for private and public sector customers: www.lan-tel.com
- Business Benefits Inc., providing companies with HR and benefit solutions that improve employee morale while keeping employers on budget: www.bbibenefits.com
Sponsor, Affiliate, Partner Program

Looking to make New England CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CIOs, CHROs etc. aware of your product, service or event? Our Sponsor, Affiliate, Partner Program can help! Drive business leaders your way via an impressive menu of program benefits at an affordable investment. Customized solutions also available, targeting your goals. Our members will be happy to meet you!
- Corporate name, description & website link displayed on eblasts to 4500+ members, guests, affiliates, prospective members and colleagues
- Corporate name, description & website link displayed on Club website
- Dedicated eblast promoting sponsor to Club e-list
- 30+ social media promotions per month to Club LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook connections
- Acknowledgment of sponsor at all meetings (8+ per year)
- Opportunity for sponsor to address meeting attendees
- Sponsor’s promotional materials displayed at all meetings
- Attendance of sponsor and guests at meetings and other events
- One-to-one introductions to individual Club members
Investment Opportunities
At most of our events, time is set aside for our official sponsors to stand up and share the value of their products and/or services. You never know who’s in the room who might be ready to buy just what you’re selling! We typically expect an attendance of 40-45 for our public events and 15-20 for smaller conference room settings.
Below is a menu of sponsorship levels and sponsor time allotment. Only a few are available per event so please let us know asap if you might be interested:
1. SILVER: 5-minute pitch, $850, sponsor rep + one guest free admission
2. GOLD: 10-minute pitch, $1500, sponsor rep + 2-3 guests free admission
3. PLATINUM: 20-minute pitch, $2000, sponsor rep + 4-6 guests free admission
Sponsors also may direct us to send a follow-up message of their choosing after the event to our membership as well as receive “banner billing” on our eblasts leading up to the event including a link to each sponsor’s website. Sponsor promotional material will be distributed to all attendees and introductions to individual Club members.
Let us know if you have any questions or requests. We are happy to chat by phone or via email if that will help you make your decision.
Email CEO Club Chair Ken Lizotte at ken@thoughtleading.com or call 978-371-0442.