10. Everyone would like to think they’ll never need a lawyer, but better safe than sorry — have top notch counsel at the ready.

9. Follow all business processes, no matter how weird. Safety first!
8. Stick to it!
7. Celebrate Teamwork
6. Dress the part — remember, YOU ARE YOUR BRAND.
5. Invest in research…
4. …and invest in fresh thinking.

3. Start the day with a good breakfast.
2. Always go Full Measure, not Half Measure.
If you’re going to nap, nap.
1. Always maintain professionalism, while adopting an appropriate outlet for frustrations.
Thanks for reading! Have an A-1 Day.
*Gifs from The 60 Best Breaking Bad Gifs. “Bad-ifyed” pictures of Ken, emersongroup logo, and Nike thanks to the iPhone app Breaking Badify Yourself.
INsanely GOod…thank you EMerson COnsulting (especially ELena and LAuren) for making my DAy!
Thanks, Ken! This was lots of fun — and I’ve never even seen the show. (And I love that there is an App to “Bad-ify” yourself with…)
One of the greatest TV shows ever created!!! I’m glad you were fans, too!
This show left us with lessons for ALL!
Yeah! I was already successful in putting Tip No. 1 to good use in Best Buy this a.m. Amazing how fast salespeople will hustle over if they think you’re going into full blown Breaking Bad mode!!